Mountain Meadows Butchering
Our Butcher Shop
Specializing in Custom Butchering Services
Mountain Meadows Butchering is a local custom butcher shop in Manheim, specializing in beef, goat, and sheep processing. We do our best to offer high-quality custom butchering services tailored to the needs of farmers, hunters, and individuals seeking top-notch meat processing. Our team is dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction. See the Mountain Meadows difference!
How We Work
Step 1: Harvest
There are two options for harvest/slaughter:
1. We have a holding area and kill floor at our butcher shop.
2. We offer on farm animal harvesting through MeatMasters Mobile Harvest
Step 2: Processing
We hang beef for a minimum of 10 days in our meat locker. This ensures well-drained, tender, flavorful meat! It is then brought out and processed into your desired cuts and smokehouse products!
Step 3: Pickup
Once all of your cuts and smokehouse products are finished you will be notified as to when they will be ready for pickup! Enjoy your fresh food with your family!